Deut 6:4-10; Exodus 10:9; Jer 29:11;

The Lord God is passing a very powerful message to the church with the help of the holy spirit, that the future of the church which is the body of Christ Jesus lies in the youth, After God had shown diversities of wonders to King Pharaoh and his officials, they open a negotiation for the children of Israel to go, there are some points I want us to reach from the passage and how it relates with the church. Therefore in verse 9, Moses said, "We will go with our young and old, with our sons and daughters" it means "that where so ever we are going, we are going with our future, so know that leaving their children in Egypt is similar to leaving their future in Slavery. My dear beloved Brethren in Christ, it is our sole responsibilities to stand up now and secure the future of the church.

Therefore, I have some four reasons how to secure a future for the church below.
1) The leaders and elders of the church today must train up the youth for the future task. This can be achieved by monitoring of our children and youth. Children are a reflection of their parents. Godly children are products of great homes. Good homes are products of great values. In a good home, the fear of God is always taught to every member of the family.

2) Contact and Impartation; this is the same way the Prophet Elijah transferred his mantle of leadership to Prophet Elisha. The Pastors and leaders of the church should always organize programs which will offer the youth opportunities to transfer their mantle of leadership to the youth.

3) The children must be given opportunity to display and showcase their God-given abilities and talents and by so doing the church will discover their various areas of spiritual calling.

4) Parents and Guardians also have the responsibilities of training their children in the fear of God, by teaching them. Moses taught the children of Israel and said, you shall love your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength, and you shall teach them diligently to your children and you shall talk to them where ever you go.

However, the youth must live a Holy life which will please the Lord God and we must flee from sins of fornication and any form of wickedness. We should live a life of truth and love, a life which God will see and be filled perpetually with joy and gladness in His heart. Children are the products of good Homes. Proverbs 22:6.
Thank you.

Bro Amos M. Gambaris

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